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Friday, August 9, 2024

Radio Japan heard in Singapore


Letter in Japanese
NHK no longer verifies reception reports from domestic listeners except for the reception in out side of Japan.So this may become a rare one for me.
Transmitted from Yamata

Sunday, February 19, 2023



Japanese: Gallery Tanashiが 復活します。以前の

を使用していたバージョンは残念ながら費用の問題で閉鎖しましたが、今回は新たにgoogleのプラットフォームを使って再構築しました。Intrayを検索して過去のQSL JPEGファイルを取り出し、郵送されたものはスキャンし直して、全て手作業で昨年の暮れから休みの時間を使って作業をしました。ファイルの見落としや、タイプミス等、たくさんのエラーが含まれている可能性があります。これらは見つかり次第、休日に対応していく予定です。気付いた点があればE-メールでお知らせください。FRF 2月19日



English: Gallery Tanashiwhich was formerly on domain will be revived.

Unfortunately, the version that used was closed due to cost issues, but this time it was rebuilt using google's platformfrom the scratch. Isearched my Intrays to retrieve past QSLs JPEG files, and rescanned the mailed ones, and worked on everything manually from the end of last year during my free time. It may contain many errors, such as missing files, typos, etc. As soon as these are found, I will be responding to the holidays. Please let me know by e-mail if you notice anything.Free Radio Fun February 19,2023

New address is

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Happy New Year ! New PTP QSL Blog Ready

During the last holiday period I had added another QSL blog which features old Point-to Point stations or utility stations. These QSLs were verified by listening to "Test speaches" before circuit establishment or "The Quick Brown Fox " like test RTTY messages on SW bands.Of course most of these are gone with the Internet or Satelite Communications.Please feel the Wind of 70's.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Monday, January 25, 2021

EQSL FROM gbradio.UK VIA channel292

The Original QSL file was arrived in Word format and received in the East Coast of the USA

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Received 4700kHz on July 31 23:32-2347UTC
Email address is